Unfiltered Vitamin Z
My name is Zieed. Topics and discussions may include: business, travel, & education of Intl. Scientific Relations with tangents on religion, cannabis, geopolitics, entertainment, racism, many other ism's, God, philosophy, migration, languages, and of course music & content. Here to examine the micro of the day to day and the macro plays in the back. Sense of humor advised bc it aint a crime to laugh. It's about right QUESTIONS not right answers. Vitamin Z, Unfiltered, like our Holy Land olive oil.
Unfiltered Vitamin Z
UFZ-Tonight's Wisdom 9/12/21
Special new segment as title suggests- Tonight's wisdom. Had some help with this one discussing life, death, especially in the wake of a pandemic that my co-host has much professional experience with. "Stop bringing old feelings into new experiences". An attempted entertaining way to discuss tragic events regarding covid health. Music is K.I.S.S by Zieed
I own full rights to the music
IG @Zieedufz for more