Unfiltered Vitamin Z
My name is Zieed. Topics and discussions may include: business, travel, & education of Intl. Scientific Relations with tangents on religion, cannabis, geopolitics, entertainment, racism, many other ism's, God, philosophy, migration, languages, and of course music & content. Here to examine the micro of the day to day and the macro plays in the back. Sense of humor advised bc it aint a crime to laugh. It's about right QUESTIONS not right answers. Vitamin Z, Unfiltered, like our Holy Land olive oil.
Unfiltered Vitamin Z
Unfiltered Vitamin_Z: S15 Ep6- Consistency & its importance.
IG- @Zieedufz
Consistency along with discipline battles motivation for a driving force to lead you to success. However, there is a large difference that we do not separate enough. Like what does one do when motivation slips? Same in romance with lust vs love, admiration, and respect. What does a couple do when lust disappears. Train individually with discipline and consistency to work on your goals even when not the most motivated. Just another habit. Train on having sex even after married and lust disappears. Just another habit.
"Everything you say must be true, but not everything true must be said"- Voltaire