Unfiltered Vitamin Z
My name is Zieed. Topics and discussions may include: business, travel, & education of Intl. Scientific Relations with tangents on religion, cannabis, geopolitics, entertainment, racism, many other ism's, God, philosophy, migration, languages, and of course music & content. Here to examine the micro of the day to day and the macro plays in the back. Sense of humor advised bc it aint a crime to laugh. It's about right QUESTIONS not right answers. Vitamin Z, Unfiltered, like our Holy Land olive oil.
Unfiltered Vitamin Z
UFZ:Pact with God
*apologies was out the house and used regular headphones, but I did edit a bit the audio*
Pact with God
Anxiety & religion
responsibility & purpose
music and cigar reviews
cannabis and the need to get "high"
music lyric share of arabic and spanish
sound feeling, importance of good writing
and influence of education in rappers
importance of circle and foundation for rise in success
Zieed.com for newsletter
@Zieedufz ig tiktok youtube